Archive for June 19th, 2008


How I got here from there.

June 19, 2008



This whole thing start on March 1 or Feb 29 I had felt like I was coming down with a cold (a lot of fiends were sick) I had a lot of flu like symptoms with one major difference, I couldn’t urinate it was always just a dribble. All I could think was what the TV commercials kept saying “enlarged prostate” Take our medicine. At my age it made sense. After telling mom I had a cold or the flu for a week she convinced my sister to run me up to the emergency room. No insurance so she takes me to OU medical center. I told her the whole story while we were driving down. After we got there I learned a few things like the average person feels like they really need to urinate when their bladder has about 250cc of urine. After they attached a Foley catheter to me (i won’t get into the thought of what that nurse did) They emptied over 2000cc from me -ooooooo relief=

  • 03-20

Mom took me back to the ER. They removed the foley-cath and I still couldn’t go on my own.

That same night we went back to the ER. They put it back in and said I should come see the urologist.

  • 03-27

Went to the urology clinic a OU Med center for a cystourethoscopy. They gave me 5 self cath tubes and told me to keep my bladder emptied. They had me cath myself there to show me how. No other instructions.


Dr.Watson gave me some avendart to make sure its not prostate related schedule ct


Ct scan in Yukon


Dr. Watson agreed that it could be MS


Mercy ER

Got neurologist appointment thru cancellation with Dr. Mikawa


Dr. Mikawa scheduled an MRI

Daria took me to appt.

Dr. Mikawa called me at home that night to see if I could come back tomarrow.

Dr. Mikawa had set up a room for me that afternoon. He called my cell while I was being admitted.

He had another MRI set up for me that day.

The day Dr Mikawa had me come down for the MRI scan OU Med center called me to say they should be make an appointment to see a neurologist sometime after the first of the year